american electorate 1.97   Today it is ground zero in the battle for the American electorate.
  republican electorate 0.99   Even those that did drew only a fraction of the Republican electorate.
  russian electorate 0.92   Eighteen percent of the Russian electorate were still undecided.
  black electorate 0.79   The black electorate has a right to new names if it wants them.
  informed electorate 0.79   An informed electorate can only help Tiznow.
  national electorate 0.72   The conservative hold on the national electorate is loosening.
  primary electorate 0.66   Blacks and Hispanics made up nearly half the primary electorate, the survey said.
  conservative electorate 0.59   This seems wise apparently, since it assuages fears of instability and radical change among highly conservative electorates and elites.
  french electorate 0.59   The French electorate is highly volatile.
  general electorate 0.59   His stance gives him cachet with disaffected PRI followers and the general electorate.
  angry electorate 0.46   An angry electorate has turned on Clinton.
  broader electorate 0.46   But among the broader electorate, Clinton is not as popular.
  israeli electorate 0.46   But it is very difficult to gauge the Israeli electorate in polls.
  british electorate 0.39   Now he is turning his charm on the British electorate.
  at_large electorate 0.33   As would be expected, Republican primary voters are far more conservative than the electorate at large.
  disenchanted electorate 0.33   A disenchanted electorate has settled for more of the unsatisfactory same.
  divided electorate 0.33   To detractors, it is a farce, or at least a reflection of the divided electorate.
  female electorate 0.33   Her choice was also seen as a nod to the female electorate.
  cynical electorate 0.26   Not surprisingly, Vladivostok has a cynical electorate.
  democratic electorate 0.26   We have a democratic electorate.
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