executive editor 18.10   Giles was executive editor of The Tuscaloosa News.
  senior editor 16.85   He was promoted to senior editor.
  former editor 15.87   Lindley is former editor of Science Magazine.
  magazine editor 11.06   A horticulturalist magazine editor?
  chief editor 10.01   Burgin will serve as chief editor.
  contributing editor 8.03   She later became a contributing editor.
  associate editor 6.85   Victoria Valentine is an associate editor at Emerge.
  new editor 5.86   They demanded new editors.
  top editor 4.67   Right now, there is no top editor.
  assistant editor 3.55   Guy Riddihough is an assistant editor of Nature.
  foreign editor 3.23   Foreign editor Rick Christie,
  founding editor 2.37   Rheingold was a founding editor at HotWired.
  political editor 1.91   Peter Riddell is political editor of die Financial Times.
  at_large editor 1.71   He is now an editor at large for Cruising World.
  literary editor 1.58   Subsequently he was literary editor of Cue magazine before joining The Times.
  longtime editor 1.51   His longtime British editor, Stuart Proffitt, agreed.
  national editor 1.38   Victor Gold is a national editor at Washingtonian.
  metropolitan editor 1.32   Wenger has been named deputy metropolitan editor.
  first editor 1.25   Ask about her first editor.
  the editor 1.12   The two editors share a laptop for field reporting.
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