attribute drop 9.81   The bank attributed the drop to slowed imports.
  take drop 4.87   Sutton then took his drop.
  follow drop 4.74   Exporters fell following a drop in the dollar.
  report drop 4.67   All regions reported a drop in November.
  cause drop 4.54   It is not clear what caused the drop.
  offset drop 4.48   That offset drop in investment banking income.
  see drop 4.41   But Mexico has seen a drop in dengue cases.
  lead drop 3.49   Banks may lead the drop.
  blame drop 2.96   Heymann blamed the drop on a widespread market decline.
  expect drop 2.63   The market had expected a drop.
  show drop 2.24   Monthly figures show the drop as well.
  add drop 1.84   Add a few drops of lime juice.
  experience drop 1.78   High street book sellers are experiencing a drop in sales.
  reflect drop 1.78   A rise in yields reflects a drop in bond prices.
  suffer drop 1.65   Some even suffered a drop in nominal income.
  make drop 1.58   Another drop was made five days later.
  have drop 1.51   He had not had a drop of coffee.
  avoid drop 1.32   Instead, Tottenham and Newcastle are striving to avoid the drop.
  fuel drop 1.05   Exporters also fueled the drop.
  get drop 1.05   Lowery gets a drop.
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