shower dot 1.05   Isolated light showers will dot the region.
  house dot 0.72   Pleasant suburban houses dot both sides of the street.
  building dot 0.33   Half-completed buildings dot the town.
  checkpoint dot 0.33   New military checkpoints dotted the road.
  cloud dot 0.33   Patchy cumulus clouds will dot the sky across interior New England.
  sign dot 0.33   A sign dotted in blood-red writing.
  grave dot 0.26   Freshly dug graves dotted the village.
  hole dot 0.26   Shrapnel holes dot the playground.
  roadblock dot 0.26   Roadblocks dotted the countryside.
  structure dot 0.26   Impressive new athletic structures dot the cityscape.
  tent dot 0.26   Now, sheep and goats graze on the thin grass growing in the desert and Bedouin tents dot the roadsides.
  village dot 0.26   Because villages dot many Alpine valleys, avalanche control in Europe involves mainly passive measures.
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