use dominance 1.78   Another theory involves a company using its dominance of one market to force its way into another.
  continue dominance 1.65   Seattle continued its dominance of the Rangers.
  establish dominance 1.65   Above all, establish your dominance.
  maintain dominance 1.45   Australia maintained their dominance after the break.
  show dominance 1.25   Want to show your dominance?
  lose dominance 1.05   U.S. losing its dominance on spies in the heavens as other nations,
  challenge dominance 0.86   It is likely to challenge your dominance regularly at first.
  extend dominance 0.79   The existing titans, meanwhile, moved to extend their dominance.
  assert dominance 0.72   By then, the Mutiny had asserted their dominance.
  reassert dominance 0.59   But he could not reassert his dominance in Atlanta.
  retain dominance 0.59   In Bangkok, the PDP, led by billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra, looked to retain its dominance.
  threaten dominance 0.59   That dominance is being threatened, however.
  expand dominance 0.53   Ford has been aggressive at trying to expand its dominance overseas.
  achieve dominance 0.46   It never achieved dominance.
  exert dominance 0.39   Jozic fielded an offensive-minded team, but it failed to exert dominance in the midfield.
  re-establish dominance 0.39   Will the Old Guard of print gurus re-establish dominance?
  regain dominance 0.39   Russia will struggle to regain its dominance in all things wintry.
  seek dominance 0.39   China accuses the U.S. of seeking global dominance.
  end dominance 0.33   Ellison said the technology industry must end the dominance of personal computing by Microsoft and Intel.
  enjoy dominance 0.33   The United States has enjoyed worldwide dominance in the aircraft-building industry.
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