police divert 0.99   Police diverted traffic.
  company divert 0.59   The company should divert more resources into research.
  controller divert 0.59   Air traffic controllers do divert some flights now.
  government divert 0.59   U.N. workers monitor the program to ensure that the Iraqi government does not divert any of the money.
  hijacker divert 0.59   The hijackers diverted the plane to the Black Sea port city of Trabzon.
  authority divert 0.53   The authorities diverted several trains to adjoining states after tracks were waterlogged.
  crisis divert 0.53   However, the Gulf crisis diverted attention of U.S. policy makers for several week.
  state divert 0.53   Democrats complained states could divert the money from poor students to wealthier districts.
  worker divert 0.53   Instead, workers could divert part of their payments into private investment accounts.
  flight divert 0.46   Several other Southwest Airlines flights diverted to Tucson to refuel.
  pilot divert 0.46   The pilot diverted the plane to Anchorage.
  program divert 0.39   The program diverts hackers into a false data network.
  official divert 0.33   And then, since officials diverted payments, tankers would not unload.
  plane divert 0.33   Crew members thought he was suffering an epileptic fit and the plane diverted to Shannon.
  traffic divert 0.33   Air traffic diverted to Rhode Island, where travelers are bused to Boston.
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