mutual distrust 4.67   Mutual distrust is deep.
  deep distrust 4.48   There is deep distrust on both sides.
  public distrust 1.65   The biggest one may be public distrust.
  growing distrust 1.32   But there is growing distrust among environmentalists.
  lingering distrust 0.79   Those events sowed lingering distrust.
  widespread distrust 0.72   In addition, several national polls show widespread distrust of print and electronic journalism.
  strong distrust 0.53   Bush started his term loudly proclaiming his strong distrust of China.
  deep-seated distrust 0.39   There is a deep-seated distrust of authority in urban America.
  popular distrust 0.33   Many believe he was killed by a PRI faction, which has further deepened popular distrust of the party.
  profound distrust 0.33   They also shared a profound distrust of their government.
  traditional distrust 0.33   The war deepened traditional distrust and local rivalries.
  continuing distrust 0.26   Continuing distrust hampers the anti-Serb military alliance.
  ethnic distrust 0.26   Many of those arguments appear based on ethnic distrust or hatred.
  healthy distrust 0.26   Americans have a healthy distrust of government.
  pervasive distrust 0.26   But he echoed the pervasive national distrust of the U.S. government.
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