important distinction 5.27   It is an important distinction.
  clear distinction 5.07   They offer clear distinctions on some major issues.
  dubious distinction 5.00   But that is a dubious distinction.
  fine distinction 3.16   Hall made a fine distinction.
  sharp distinction 3.03   But there are sharp distinctions between the two cases.
  such distinction 1.78   Such a distinction makes sense.
  real distinction 1.51   There was no real distinction then.
  crucial distinction 1.32   In the end, it was a crucial distinction.
  legal distinction 1.12   The legal distinction mattered little.
  subtle distinction 1.05   These are subtle distinctions.
  moral distinction 0.99   The moral distinction may be lost to most people.
  rare distinction 0.92   Higuchi is a golfer of rare distinction in her homeland.
  same distinction 0.86   He earned the same distinction a year ago.
  racial distinction 0.79   -- Eliminating all racial distinctions.
  unique distinction 0.79   Talk about a unique distinction.
  fundamental distinction 0.66   There is a fundamental distinction between authors and readers.
  similar distinction 0.66   A similar distinction applies here.
  social distinction 0.66   But thievery makes no such social distinctions.
  key distinction 0.59   A key distinction.
  old distinction 0.59   At this moment, old distinctions punctuate the air.
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