reckless disregard 1.97   His actions showed a reckless disregard for human life.
  total disregard 0.86   The one thing they all have in common is a total disregard for the law.
  blatant disregard 0.79   Was the verdict rendered in blatant disregard of the evidence?
  callous disregard 0.72   ...his callous disregard for human life.
  complete disregard 0.72   They treated the rules with complete disregard.
  rampant disregard 0.39   The evidence of rampant disregard for the tax laws is overwhelming.
  widespread disregard 0.39   Most accidents are blamed on outdated equipment and widespread disregard for safety rules.
  apparent disregard 0.33   For Rawls, their apparent disregard was almost as painful as the debilitating illness.
  blithe disregard 0.33   He showed blithe disregard for the rights of others.
  cavalier disregard 0.33   He has a cavalier disregard for the rights of others.
  utter disregard 0.33   Journalism was accused of utter disregard for viewers and readers.
  wanton disregard 0.33   The jury found the city had acted with wanton disregard or indifference.
  flagrant disregard 0.26   Poison gas was used, in flagrant disregard of the Geneva Convention.
  healthy disregard 0.26   At its best, it mixes polished writing and a healthy disregard for the conventions of print journalism.
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