sunny disposition 1.71   A sunny disposition.
  final disposition 1.32   Do you know its final disposition?
  nasty disposition 0.66   By the way, do you happen to have a cat with a really nasty disposition?
  ultimate disposition 0.53   How this might affect the ultimate disposition of the case is unclear.
  genetic disposition 0.46   That genetic disposition becomes dominant over time.
  sweet disposition 0.46   People there said they liked his sweet disposition.
  nervous disposition 0.39   He has a nervous disposition.
  pleasant disposition 0.39   She had a pleasant disposition and always had a twinkle in her eyes.
  cheerful disposition 0.33   Her cheerful disposition, sympathy, and tact made her popular.
  cheery disposition 0.26   Kim had an infectious smile and a cheery disposition.
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