public discontent 6.71   Public discontent grows in Kazakstan.
  popular discontent 5.99   The popular discontent could well backfire on him.
  widespread discontent 4.81   But inflation has spawned widespread discontent.
  growing discontent 3.55   Perhaps she sensed my growing discontent.
  social discontent 2.57   Social discontent everywhere.
  simmering discontent 1.18   Increasingly, this looks like being a summer of simmering discontent.
  economic discontent 1.12   Economic discontent is palpable in a number of big cities.
  rising discontent 0.99   Widespread poverty with enclaves of extreme wealth a source of rising discontent.
  political discontent 0.79   Economic privations may spawn political discontent.
  domestic discontent 0.59   But other signs of domestic discontent were harder to deny.
  deep discontent 0.53   There were growing signs of some deep discontent, however.
  general discontent 0.46   The answer from voters in both Lorain and River Rouge was as vague and unformed as their general discontent.
  internal discontent 0.46   Instead, Armenia has suffered a long slide toward autocracy, isolation and internal discontent.
  military discontent 0.46   Also, there have been intermittent rumors of military discontent, which he strongly denies.
  mounting discontent 0.46   There was widespread sympathy for the truckers, reflecting mounting discontent with the French economy.
  increasing discontent 0.39   The government faces increasing discontent from impoverished Serbs.
  broad discontent 0.33   They argue that the election shows Russian democracy is surviving, despite broad discontent with the current government.
  serious discontent 0.33   However, the arrest could provoke serious discontent and therefore back-fire on Zavgayev.
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