cause discomfort 4.15   And I would hope that it causes discomfort.
  experience discomfort 3.62   Neither experienced discomfort.
  feel discomfort 3.16   Fassero was feeling no discomfort.
  express discomfort 1.51   Some other Republicans have also expressed discomfort.
  have discomfort 1.38   Rolando Arrojo has shoulder discomfort.
  ease discomfort 0.99   His players hope to ease his discomfort, as well.
  suffer discomfort 0.92   He was suffering greater discomfort after the game.
  relieve discomfort 0.86   Tea can also help to relieve menstrual discomfort.
  report discomfort 0.86   They also reported less discomfort.
  create discomfort 0.53   Perhaps the lack of oxygen creates vascular discomfort.
  avoid discomfort 0.46   A way to avoid such discomfort is to try split squats.
  endure discomfort 0.39   I can simply endure the discomfort of basking in my own approval.
  show discomfort 0.39   But he showed no discomfort during the match.
  reduce discomfort 0.33   In the meantime, treatments can help reduce the discomfort.
  acknowledge discomfort 0.26   But he seemed to acknowledge his discomfort.
  notice discomfort 0.26   Apparently Chickie noticed her discomfort.
  reflect discomfort 0.26   The discomfort was reflected in surveys published last week.
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