release detainee 6.65   All the detainees were later released.
  hold detainee 4.67   The prison holds common-law detainees.
  treat detainee 3.16   But these detainees are being treated differently.
  free detainee 2.04   All the detainees later were freed.
  visit detainee 1.84   Journalists were not allowed to visit the detainees.
  identify detainee 1.51   The general declined to identify the detainee.
  take detainee 1.38   Law enforcement officials took each detainee in separate cars.
  torture detainee 1.25   It charged that the detainees were being tortured.
  interrogate detainee 1.18   The detainees were being interrogated, he said.
  send detainee 1.05   Police in China can send detainees to labor camps without trial.
  beat detainee 0.99   It said the detainees were beaten with clubs and rifle butts.
  see detainee 0.92   We saw the detainees as soon as we arrived.
  abuse detainee 0.86   At the time, the U.S. command denied that those detainees had been abused.
  keep detainee 0.86   Seven detainees were kept in jail overnight.
  transfer detainee 0.86   Later, the detainees were transferred to minibuses and driven away.
  question detainee 0.79   The detainees were questioned and then released, ITAR-TASS added.
  bring detainee 0.72   Authorities do not have to bring detainees to court.
  mistreat detainee 0.72   However, Tulkarem residents complained Tuesday that security forces continued to mistreat detainees.
  arrest detainee 0.66   To date, only two dozen of the detainees have been arrested for anything.
  kill detainee 0.66   Some detainees were killed, Lehmann said.
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