street desert 0.92   Shops are shuttered and the streets deserted.
  soldier desert 0.86   Zairian soldiers deserted the town before their arrival.
  father desert 0.59   Her father deserted the family soon after she was born.
  troop desert 0.59   Troops deserted.
  force desert 0.39   Taliban forces deserting Kabul at dawn Tuesday, witnesses say.
  people desert 0.39   Many people had deserted the town where uniformed guards were patrolling the streets.
  supporter desert 0.39   Finneran is still the clear favorite and should win on the floor unless his supporters desert him.
  touch desert 0.39   But the touch has since deserted the former Marcus High School star.
  fan desert 0.33   Fans deserted the team.
  investor desert 0.33   The threat of such action has caused investors to desert the market, Smith said.
  voter desert 0.33   Disgusted voters deserted the party in droves.
  civilian desert 0.26   Electric supplies were cut off and the streets were deserted by civilians.
  family desert 0.26   My family had deserted me to pursue their own interests.
  friend desert 0.26   And his show-biz friends deserted him.
  husband desert 0.26   Her husband had deserted the house.
  member desert 0.26   Staff members deserted her.
  mother desert 0.26   Her mother deserted her when she was a small girl.
  partner desert 0.26   Chuan called the early election after a coalition partner deserted him.
  putter desert 0.26   His putter deserted him when it mattered the most.
  resident desert 0.26   As shots rang out sporadically, terrified residents deserted the streets.
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