great depth 4.41   Sweden has great depth.
  greater depth 4.34   Their greater depth made the difference.
  new depth 3.36   Their image has sunk to new depths.
  emotional depth 2.37   We crave emotional depths from your characters.
  pitching depth 1.78   More pitching depth.
  same depth 1.18   Plant one section at the same depth as before.
  lower depth 1.12   Late at night, the buses arrive on the lower depths of the terminal.
  shallow depth 1.12   Even recoveries from shallow depths can be tricky.
  different depth 0.92   This lets you sample the water at different depths.
  good depth 0.86   We have good depth.
  murky depth 0.86   Divers scour the murky depths of the pond.
  added depth 0.72   Grill some onions and garlic, too, for added depth in future sauces.
  intellectual depth 0.66   She has the kind of intellectual depth rarely encountered in presidential politics.
  remarkable depth 0.66   The result was a game of remarkable depth.
  defensive depth 0.59   The Stars still have defensive depth.
  hidden depth 0.59   But there are hidden depths to be explored.
  needed depth 0.59   Harrison did not elaborate, but he knows the Raiders needed depth on the line.
  unusual depth 0.53   This draft has unusual depth.
  considerable depth 0.46   It can be of considerable depth and complexity and should not be devalued.
  dark depth 0.46   Ruth lay beneath him, inert, gazing up into the dark depths of his eyes.
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