company deliver 5.73   The company has delivered.
  government deliver 2.83   The government eventually delivered a large stock of drugs.
  president deliver 2.76   The president will deliver the eulogy.
  truck deliver 2.30   A truck delivered water.
  official deliver 1.91   He called on officials to deliver preliminary findings into the disaster within two weeks.
  system deliver 1.84   As a result, the system cannot deliver heat efficiently.
  doctor deliver 1.78   Doctors later delivered the girl stillborn.
  leader deliver 1.32   And we need a great leader to deliver them.
  man deliver 1.32   And men deliver.
  agency deliver 1.25   But the agency does not deliver the food itself.
  group deliver 1.25   The group delivered the letter to the U.S. Embassy in Barbados.
  court deliver 1.12   The court will deliver its final verdict next month.
  organization deliver 1.05   The organization also allegedly delivered to restaurants and bars.
  satellite deliver 0.99   And the satellite always delivers.
  administration deliver 0.92   The administration did not deliver for Enron on these counts.
  authority deliver 0.92   The authorities will now deliver the award to her family.
  helicopter deliver 0.92   A first wave of issues may be delivered by helicopter.
  judge deliver 0.92   A judge will deliver the verdict on Monday.
  jury deliver 0.92   The jury delivered a verdict of unlawful killing.
  pope deliver 0.92   The pope has delivered all his speeches in Czech.
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