police defuse 6.91   Police defused it.
  expert defuse 4.08   Explosives experts defused the letter bomb.
  force defuse 1.12   Security forces defused another bomb before it went off, the newspaper said.
  squad defuse 1.12   A bomb squad defused the device.
  soldier defuse 0.99   British soldiers also defused that device.
  sapper defuse 0.72   It was defused by sappers.
  step defuse 0.72   The legislative sponsors also have taken steps to defuse some potential fights.
  agreement defuse 0.53   The agreement defused a tense standoff between Serbs and French peacekeepers at a checkpoint on the road.
  authority defuse 0.53   Authorities defused that bomb.
  army defuse 0.39   It was the third time in a week that the army safely defused bombs near Jewish settlements.
  officer defuse 0.39   Police and bomb squad officers defused it.
  official defuse 0.33   Security officials defused that bomb.
  troop defuse 0.33   The troops defused the explosives, NATO officials said.
  meeting defuse 0.26   And such a meeting could defuse the tension.
  specialist defuse 0.26   The letter bomb was defused by specialists in the basement garage of the United Nations, Eckhard said.
  talk defuse 0.26   Talks eventually defused the tensions.
  way defuse 0.26   Annan arrived in Baghdad Friday to find a way to defuse the crisis over U.N. weapons inspections.
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