immune deficiency 2.11   The illness can be fatal for someone with an immune deficiency.
  nutritional deficiency 1.51   No evidence of nutritional deficiencies was found.
  serious deficiency 1.25   What serious deficiencies?
  dietary deficiency 1.12   No dietary deficiencies in people who lived on her soup!
  glaring deficiency 1.05   But there are some glaring deficiencies.
  major deficiency 0.72   But even these valuable works share one major deficiency.
  defensive deficiency 0.59   But his defensive deficiencies are numerous.
  nutrient deficiency 0.59   Nutrient deficiencies appear to increase with age.
  academic deficiency 0.53   Clearly, TAAS has helped draw attention to severe academic deficiencies.
  severe deficiency 0.53   Severe deficiency causes blindness and death.
  technical deficiency 0.53   And that, more than any technical deficiency, was their downfall.
  chronic deficiency 0.33   Each team combines an impressive strength with a chronic deficiency.
  obvious deficiency 0.33   They just owned up to the obvious deficiencies.
  correct deficiency 0.26   Alpha Therapeutic also entered into a consent decree to correct deficiencies.
  manufacturing deficiency 0.26   The manufacturing deficiencies have been corrected.
  mineral deficiency 0.26   Vegetarians who consume tofu and bean curd as a substitute for meat and dairy products risk severe mineral deficiencies.
  physical deficiency 0.26   His skills remain sharp and he insists his vast experience compensates for any physical deficiencies that might come with age.
  structural deficiency 0.26   There are too many structural deficiencies.
  tactical deficiency 0.26   New Zealand suffered from tactical deficiencies and some blunders by goalkeeper Jamie Cross.
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