humiliating defeat 11.52   It was a humiliating defeat.
  straight defeat 10.93   Two straight defeats at home worse.
  first defeat 9.41   At least the first defeat was total.
  second defeat 9.08   It was a second defeat on the issue.
  crushing defeat 7.24   Another crushing defeat.
  consecutive defeat 7.18   It was their fourth consecutive defeat.
  electoral defeat 5.99   But they too seem resigned to an electoral defeat.
  third defeat 5.07   The Carp suffered their third straight defeat.
  fourth defeat 4.08   It was their fourth consecutive defeat.
  military defeat 3.95   That is military defeat.
  major defeat 3.69   CLT suffered its first major defeat.
  embarrassing defeat 3.62   He would prefer not to risk another embarrassing defeat.
  fifth defeat 3.62   It was their fifth defeat in a row.
  home defeat 3.55   Seattle sustained its worst home defeat ever.
  recent defeat 3.36   Guerrillas shrug off recent defeats.
  successive defeat 3.36   No other pitcher has suffered six successive post-season defeats.
  narrow defeat 2.70   It was a mistake which cost her a very narrow defeat.
  worst defeat 2.70   Roddick called it his worst defeat ever.
  bitter defeat 2.57   It was still a bitter defeat.
  stinging defeat 2.57   And maybe chased off the last ghosts of that stinging defeat.
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