disaster declaration 4.87   A federal disaster declaration appeared imminent.
  draft declaration 3.69   The draft declaration mentions housing rights only once.
  statehood declaration 2.70   He suggested, however, that a statehood declaration could.
  independence declaration 1.71   Ethnic Albanians celebrate anniversary of independence declaration.
  peace declaration 1.45   Leading pro-democracy activists read peace declarations.
  summit declaration 1.45   It will be included as part of the final summit declaration.
  cease-fire declaration 1.32   Reaction on the street to new cease-fire declaration.
  security declaration 1.05   Japan, U.S. sign security declaration.
  custom declaration 0.92   Some packages carry customs declarations falsely describing their contents.
  conference declaration 0.86   EU sets deadline for progress on conference declaration.
  ceasefire declaration 0.79   Good news was at a premium in Angola and Bosnia-Hercegovina, despite recent ceasefire declarations.
  asset declaration 0.59   Full asset declarations for all officials will be introduced at a later date, according to the directive.
  policy declaration 0.53   Parliament must then approve his general policy declaration before he can take office.
  war declaration 0.53   In fact, the lack of a war declaration may not help Lindh.
  bankruptcy declaration 0.46   Tapie has appealed the bankruptcy declaration.
  court declaration 0.39   The court declaration had ripples across the island.
  government declaration 0.39   That is what Schroder implied in his first government declaration to parliament last month.
  tax declaration 0.39   Just an annual tax declaration that would fit on a postcard.
  truce declaration 0.39   Zinni has been working for two weeks to reach a truce declaration.
  income declaration 0.33   He said he would back a government tax crackdown, also ordering senior officials to make public income declarations.
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