season debut 6.58   Both made their season debuts.
  test debut 3.09   Ganguly made a century on his test debut in England.
  feature debut 2.37   This is his feature debut.
  film debut 2.17   Patrick Fugit makes his film debut as Miller.
  company debut 1.65   Anne Bogart makes her company debut as director.
  spring debut 1.65   It makes its debut next spring in Miami.
  stage debut 1.38   Her stage debut?
  television debut 1.25   She is making her television debut.
  marathon debut 1.18   Kenyan Paul Tergat in making his marathon debut.
  movie debut 1.18   His movie debut followed.
  regular-season debut 1.05   Friday night was his regular-season debut.
  week debut 1.05   It makes its debut this week.
  year debut 0.99   A U.S. version is due to debut this year.
  fall debut 0.86   It is to debut this fall.
  team debut 0.79   Plays for Gremio and made his national team debut in January.
  tournament debut 0.72   Serena Williams will make her tournament debut on Saturday against Pavlina Nola of Bulgaria.
  weekend debut 0.72   Kuehne is making her pro debut this weekend.
  dream debut 0.66   Was it a dream debut?
  major-label debut 0.66   He cited Modest Mouse, whose major-label debut was just released on Epic.
  playoff debut 0.66   His major-league playoff debut.
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