use datum 25.87   But no one had used the data.
  collect datum 23.04   Data will be collected.
  release datum 14.09   No Canadian economic data will be released tomorrow.
  analyze datum 13.76   Technical experts analyzed the data.
  provide datum 12.97   Either way, I just provide data.
  gather datum 12.71   The Health Ministry gathered similar data.
  transmit datum 10.34   Data is transmitted electronically.
  store datum 9.74   First, the Mac stores data in folders.
  share datum 8.43   The data will be shared.
  send datum 8.29   The data is sent to a state databank.
  have datum 7.04   We have no data to work with.
  present datum 5.92   Data are presented as mean.
  receive datum 5.20   But only one unit could transmit and receive computer data.
  compile datum 5.13   So far, it has only compiled data.
  transfer datum 4.81   Transfer the data onto a disk.
  include datum 4.74   Study includes data on localities.
  review datum 3.75   They review our data.
  enter datum 3.69   The center then entered the data.
  get datum 3.69   We attempted to get baseline data.
  interpret datum 3.36   Meteorologists then interpret the data.
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