hold daily 2.11   Mass is held daily.
  report daily 1.12   Despite that, new attacks are reported almost daily.
  make daily 0.92   But progress is being made daily toward that end.
  set daily 0.53   They seem to set records daily.
  call daily 0.46   Today, the Sao Paulo psychiatrist can afford to call daily.
  get daily 0.46   The pain has gotten less daily.
  drive daily 0.39   Now he does, and he drives it daily.
  see daily 0.33   Early on, the pope, whom he sees daily, assured him of access to the Vatican bureaucracy.
  send daily 0.26   Buchenwald was a labor camp rather than a death camp, and inmates were sent daily to make weapons and other war materiel.
  serve daily 0.26   Also serving lunch daily except Monday.
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