put curse 1.25   Put a curse on me.
  shout curse 1.12   Then he shouts a curse.
  place curse 0.72   So he has swung into action and placed a curse on the bad guys.
  mutter curse 0.59   I shivered and muttered a curse.
  hurl curse 0.46   Standing upright, she hurled curses with mounting frenzy.
  break curse 0.39   It broke the curse that seemed to be dogging me.
  have curse 0.33   He had a curse when it came to machinery.
  take curse 0.33   They somehow take the curse off high heels, making them feel not so high.
  end curse 0.26   This year he is determined to end the curse.
  escape curse 0.26   Fought low, can this ageing black man rise and escape the curse of his anger?
  utter curse 0.26   I heard him utter a curse before the microphone was shut off.
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