devalue currency 27.98   Nigeria has just devalued its currency.
  use currency 10.14   Anybody can trade using their currencies.
  defend currency 9.74   Hong Kong is well equipped to defend its currency, too.
  sell currency 8.56   That has been leading investors to sell European currencies.
  support currency 8.29   Central banks support Indonesian currency.
  peg currency 6.19   Its currency is pegged to the dollar.
  weaken currency 5.73   Lower rates often weakens a currency.
  buy currency 5.46   You can buy foreign currency at the post office.
  gain currency 4.61   That view is gaining currency.
  stabilize currency 4.41   Bailout money also goes to stabilize the currency.
  boost currency 3.75   The fall of the mark boosted other currencies.
  help currency 3.42   Higher rates can help a currency by making deposits in it more attractive.
  hurt currency 3.16   Political turmoil in a country often hurts its currency.
  protect currency 3.09   Interest rates are high to protect the currency.
  change currency 2.76   The other currencies were little changed.
  have currency 2.76   Yet Hare has tremendous currency here.
  exchange currency 2.70   Currency can be exchanged at railway stations.
  introduce currency 2.70   Russia introduces new currency.
  link currency 2.63   So will Austria, which has linked its currency to the mark.
  bolster currency 2.57   Higher rates often bolster the currency by making U.S. deposits more attractive.
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