satisfy curiosity 2.04   At least he had satisfied his curiosity.
  pique curiosity 1.78   This piqued curiosity.
  arouse curiosity 1.45   Or at least arouses curiosity.
  have curiosity 0.59   I had a curiosity, an intuition.
  express curiosity 0.46   All said they were happy to receive the queen but expressed curiosity as to why she had come here.
  attract curiosity 0.33   The arrival of a construction crew at their house attracted the curiosity of their neighbors.
  excite curiosity 0.33   He also excites curiosity about the language.
  display curiosity 0.26   That she displayed no curiosity about the fact of homicide or the manner of the murder is not surprising.
  follow curiosity 0.26   My father made a living following his curiosity.
  raise curiosity 0.26   Pataki simply raises more curiosity over the trips he wants to downplay.
  share curiosity 0.26   There are more than a few people that share his curiosity.
  stir curiosity 0.26   It could stir curiosity, a poll like this one.
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