visual cue 2.04   We are responding to the visual cues.
  directional cue 0.66   As a result, traders looked to the futures market for directional cues, he added.
  musical cue 0.53   They must die on precise musical cues.
  chemical cue 0.46   But to reach particular target cells, axons follow chemical cues strewn along their path.
  nonverbal cue 0.46   Watch for nonverbal cues.
  acoustic cue 0.39   A major cause of ambiguity is the lack of acoustic cues to word boundaries.
  styling cue 0.39   Likewise, inside styling cues are vintage Porsche.
  subtle cue 0.39   There are no special effects beyond some subtle lighting cues.
  emotional cue 0.33   Toledo knew his players would take their emotional cues from him.
  light cue 0.33   My eye will be taken to it for every single light cue.
  new cue 0.33   Say the new cue softly.
  social cue 0.33   Women, says Gottman, are more attuned to social cues, and they pursue.
  environmental cue 0.26   Instead, she relies on environmental cues.
  fresh cue 0.26   To avoid triggering old associations, start with a fresh cue.
  reliable cue 0.26   There are few if any reliable physical cues to word boundaries.
  verbal cue 0.26   But they are able to work out problems when teachers use objects instead of verbal cues.
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