draw criticism 81.96   But the survey quickly drew criticism.
  face criticism 32.72   Both companies have faced criticism recently.
  reject criticism 18.17   Bush rejects the criticism.
  dismiss criticism 16.79   Dole dismisses the criticisms.
  follow criticism 9.02   The proposals follow criticisms by Levitt.
  deflect criticism 8.10   A master at deflecting criticism.
  spark criticism 7.83   Economic crisis sparks criticism.
  take criticism 7.83   We can take criticism.
  prompt criticism 7.44   That has prompted some criticism.
  avoid criticism 6.45   A. Sometimes, to avoid criticism, yes.
  bring criticism 6.32   His success also brought criticism.
  receive criticism 5.99   But Vanity Fair has received some criticism.
  provoke criticism 5.60   The move provoked strong criticism abroad.
  attract criticism 5.46   The comments attracted immediate criticism.
  have criticism 5.07   But they had other criticisms.
  counter criticism 4.54   Tulloch countered the criticism.
  hear criticism 4.41   He heard the criticism.
  accept criticism 3.69   I accepted criticism.
  make criticism 3.55   Zyuganov has made similar criticisms.
  level criticism 3.36   Rose also levelled criticism over the issue.
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