strike cripple 1.78   Russia is regularly crippled by strikes.
  sanction cripple 0.86   The sanctions have crippled the Iraqi economy.
  injury cripple 0.59   The Nets were already crippled by injuries.
  polio cripple 0.53   As a boy he had been crippled by polio.
  closure cripple 0.46   The closure has crippled the Palestinian economy.
  arthritis cripple 0.39   My wife has become crippled by arthritis.
  blockade cripple 0.39   The blockade has crippled the local economy.
  year cripple 0.39   The Nigerian government, while rich in oil, has been crippled by years of corruption and incompetence.
  attack cripple 0.33   But the attack crippled the CIA base.
  debt cripple 0.33   Amnuay is grappling with how to shore up growth, revive exports and rescue a finance industry crippled by debt.
  drought cripple 0.33   A seven-month drought crippled winter wheat production in some key states.
  outage cripple 0.33   Telephone and power outages could cripple the systems.
  arrest cripple 0.26   The arrests have crippled the Malaysian national football team but soccer officials said they were necessary to root out corruption from the game.
  cost cripple 0.26   Still, the cost will be crippling.
  decade cripple 0.26   The churches, crippled by decades of state-sponsored atheism, rarely step in.
  protest cripple 0.26   The protest crippled public transportation for several hours in downtown Abidjan.
  storm cripple 0.26   George Ajlouny, manager of Best Western in Rocky Mount, said the storm is crippling his place.
  team cripple 0.26   Raiders owner Al Davis testified last week that another team would have crippled the Raiders financially.
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