cause crash 28.97   A burst tire should not cause a crash.
  survive crash 15.47   He survived the crash.
  investigate crash 13.43   The Navy investigated the crash.
  follow crash 6.78   Both black boxes were found in the days following the crash.
  blame crash 4.94   The crash was blamed on sabotage.
  see crash 3.03   We saw the crash.
  hear crash 2.76   She heard a crash.
  prevent crash 2.17   Such a system could prevent crashes.
  witness crash 2.04   Taxi driver Wendell Bullard witnessed the crash.
  attribute crash 1.97   That crash was attributed to pilot error.
  report crash 1.51   One crash was reported.
  avoid crash 1.38   I went out in front to avoid any crashes.
  confirm crash 0.99   The crash was confirmed by Ankara.
  describe crash 0.86   Earlier, Ashby described the crash itself.
  include crash 0.72   The claims include three crashes, two of them rollovers.
  discuss crash 0.66   It did not say if they discussed the crash.
  have crash 0.59   Why do you think we will have a crash?
  relate crash 0.53   There was no indication that the crash was related to the rebels.
  surround crash 0.53   The circumstances surrounding the crash were not immediately known, police said.
  trigger crash 0.53   Italian media said a mechanical failure possibly triggered the crash.
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