take cover 17.84   Take cover!
  provide cover 13.23   A second Israeli jet provided cover.
  seek cover 4.67   We are seeking further cover.
  have cover 4.34   APTN has cover.
  grace cover 3.55   And what photograph graces the cover?
  blow cover 3.49   Our cover is blown.
  make cover 3.42   They made the cover of Rolling Stone.
  remove cover 3.42   Remove cover.
  give cover 2.96   A sharp overhang of rock gave them cover.
  pull cover 1.51   She pulled the covers higher.
  adorn cover 1.18   He adorned the cover of TV Guide.
  use cover 1.18   I use plastic covers made for the seed-starting trays.
  put cover 1.12   Put the cover on them.
  lift cover 0.99   Do not lift cover or stir while cooking.
  do cover 0.86   Why were we just doing the covers?
  expect cover 0.72   We expect cover.
  find cover 0.72   His grandmother, trying to find cover, was hit.
  help cover 0.72   Harding herself pleaded guilty to helping cover up the plot.
  place cover 0.72   Place cover slightly ajar.
  design cover 0.59   He also designed the cover.
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