plan cost 3.62   He did not say how much the plan would cost.
  mistake cost 3.23   Mistakes cost the Sooners.
  project cost 3.16   The total project cost?
  program cost 2.63   They say our drug program will cost more.
  delay cost 2.57   Delays cost money.
  decision cost 2.44   The decision cost him.
  move cost 2.37   The move would cost no IBM jobs, he said.
  service cost 2.17   Yes, these services cost extra.
  strike cost 1.97   The strike cost him, period.
  system cost 1.91   Our system still costs too much and covers too few.
  closure cost 1.71   Closure costs Palestinians hundreds of millions.
  ticket cost 1.71   The tickets cost too much.
  cut cost 1.58   Because it would cut costs.
  injury cost 1.58   The injury could cost him a lot of money.
  loss cost 1.58   This loss cost Roy Hodgson his job.
  trip cost 1.58   The trip has cost the four Kurds almost everything.
  scandal cost 1.51   The scandal has cost Nicholson dearly.
  war cost 1.51   The war itself cost billions of dollars.
  error cost 1.45   The error on Grissom cost the Braves.
  measure cost 1.45   They claim the measure would cost U.S. jobs.
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