new cookbook 2.44   Her new cookbook is a best seller.
  good cookbook 0.86   Get a good basic cookbook and let it be your guide.
  vegetarian cookbook 0.86   Atlas also has written several vegetarian cookbooks.
  italian cookbook 0.72   Leeks have a place in Italian cookbooks, too.
  old cookbook 0.72   And measurements in the old cookbook are strictly Old World.
  first cookbook 0.66   The first cookbook in English.
  best-selling cookbook 0.33   Ginette Mathiot, best-selling French cookbook author, dies in Paris.
  family cookbook 0.33   Call it the Snopes family cookbook.
  next cookbook 0.33   I propped up my cookbook next to the cooker and started making the soup.
  american cookbook 0.26   So much for lavish American cookbooks.
  antique cookbook 0.26   I bought my first antique cookbook several years ago at an annual book fair in Chicago.
  chinese cookbook 0.26   Chinese cookbooks can be counted on for a few Sichuan recipes at most.
  church cookbook 0.26   Katherine Culton saw our request for cinnamon muffins and sent this recipe from a South Texas church cookbook.
  classic cookbook 0.26   There are also classic cookbooks for sale.
  french cookbook 0.26   We have several French cookbooks in stock.
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