time constraint 7.77   Time constraints?
  budget constraint 6.32   Budget constraints?
  capacity constraint 1.18   The shortfall reflects manufacturing capacity constraints.
  supply constraint 0.79   Oil stocks also rose as supply constraints continued to push the price of crude oil higher.
  space constraint 0.72   The reason the editor gave was space constraints.
  resource constraint 0.59   Realism was needed in providing new services because of resource constraints.
  salary constraint 0.53   Salary cap constraints would complicate any mass fire sale.
  cap constraint 0.46   Salary cap constraints would complicate any mass fire sale.
  production constraint 0.46   Production constraints continue to hold back sales.
  government constraint 0.33   Corporate America, freed from many government constraints, argues that it is stronger because of the change.
  payroll constraint 0.33   The Twins have been forced by payroll constraints to rely primarily on their farm system.
  cash constraint 0.26   Cash constraints may have governed his approach.
  power constraint 0.26   But getting speech systems into small devices means overcoming size and power constraints.
  quantity constraint 0.26   Quantity constraints on firms do not figure at all.
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