desired consistency 3.16   Process to desired consistency.
  spreading consistency 1.58   Cool to spreading consistency.
  right consistency 0.86   When mixture is the right consistency, place in dip bowl.
  creamy consistency 0.72   Add ice cream and process to a creamy consistency.
  greater consistency 0.66   The government must also show greater consistency.
  offensive consistency 0.66   Establish some offensive consistency.
  spreadable consistency 0.59   Cool to a spreadable consistency.
  proper consistency 0.53   If you need more liquid to achieve the proper consistency, use boiling water.
  remarkable consistency 0.53   Then, with remarkable consistency, they get married.
  same consistency 0.53   This spread has the same consistency as apple butter.
  smooth consistency 0.46   Process to a smooth consistency.
  thick consistency 0.39   Gravy should be of thick consistency.
  foolish consistency 0.33   Lately this has been a foolish consistency.
  political consistency 0.33   Not that young Clinton held any edge over Gingrich in political consistency.
  amazing consistency 0.26   What he does have is amazing consistency and a work ethic that constantly drives him.
  astonishing consistency 0.26   This de-centering is accomplished with astonishing consistency and insistence.
  defensive consistency 0.26   Defensive consistency?
  rubbery consistency 0.26   Once it is in place, RTV hardens to a rubbery consistency.
  saucelike consistency 0.26   Simmer until the liquid is reduced to a saucelike consistency.
  similar consistency 0.26   Similar consistency has been found in urban constituencies.
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