former congressman 15.87   --STEPHEN J. SOLARZ, former Brooklyn congressman.
  republican congressman 10.99   Two Republican congressmen.
  democratic congressman 7.31   Krueger is a former Democratic congressman from Texas.
  local congressman 2.24   Reactions from local congressmen.
  black congressman 1.65   Returning to the state with a black congressman filled Bachus with pride.
  federal congressman 1.32   At the time, Naya was a federal congressman.
  the congressman 1.05   The seven congressmen live in tight quarters.
  visiting congressman 0.99   A visiting congressman and even my friend were bite victims.
  young congressman 0.99   Dole talked tough as a young congressman.
  american congressman 0.92   Even visits to Iran by American congressman and mayors are not under consideration, he said.
  conservative congressman 0.86   But he was also a conservative congressman.
  veteran congressman 0.86   The veteran congressman from the Detroit suburbs certainly looks the part.
  fellow congressman 0.79   In California, former Rep. Robert Dornan is threatening to challenge a fellow Republican congressman.
  longtime congressman 0.79   The longtime congressman from Texas was cast as Democratic evil incarnate.
  peruvian congressman 0.79   Every afternoon, he played chess with one of the hostages with a Peruvian congressman, Luis Chang.
  incumbent congressman 0.72   They included three incumbent senators and three incumbent congressmen.
  new congressman 0.72   Ramsey, who hosts a Christian radio show, is full of praise for the two new congressmen.
  colombian congressman 0.59   Among the passengers was a Colombian congressman.
  key congressman 0.59   Key congressmen, some of them ex-Marines, dug in their heels.
  philippine congressman 0.59   Some Philippine congressmen have insisted on such a US-financed program.
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