support concept 5.86   Both support the concept.
  understand concept 4.61   We understand the concept.
  introduce concept 4.02   Chinese checkers introduces the concept of competition.
  have concept 3.75   They have no concept of time.
  embrace concept 3.42   Holly Near quickly embraced the concept.
  endorse concept 3.23   But he endorsed the concept.
  take concept 3.16   Take the concept of time.
  develop concept 2.96   He develops the concept more fully in his book.
  grasp concept 2.96   I could never grasp this concept.
  use concept 2.37   Use concepts across the frontiers of knowledge.
  explain concept 2.30   Please explain the concept of dew point.
  apply concept 2.11   He wanted to apply the concept in Atlanta.
  reject concept 1.97   I reject the concept of failure.
  test concept 1.78   The company is now testing the concept in a few stores in Indiana.
  like concept 1.71   I like the concept.
  accept concept 1.58   But the concept is increasingly accepted.
  promote concept 1.45   But Quebec is resorting to disinformation to promote the concept.
  create concept 1.38   Cassidy created the concept.
  oppose concept 1.38   Sanchez opposes that concept.
  discuss concept 1.25   Now, she discusses the concept of market value.
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