cable competitor 1.18   Watching Koppel jump to a cable competitor could be a big blow for CNN.
  business competitor 0.59   Business competitors are tattling on each other.
  industry competitor 0.53   Other industry competitors fell with Bay Networks.
  low-fare competitor 0.53   Small, low-fare competitors welcomed it.
  woman competitor 0.53   This explains why elite women competitors are required to wear two suits.
  race competitor 0.46   The same weather reports sent by satellite to race competitors are shared by at-home sailors.
  year competitor 0.46   Riney is the fifth creative independent to be swallowed by a bigger competitor this year.
  network competitor 0.39   Pax TV will get minuscule numbers compared with the lowest-rated network competitor.
  telephone competitor 0.39   France Telecom owns a stake in a third Spanish telephone competitor.
  dot-com competitor 0.33   Dot-com competitors either went belly-up or scaled back.
  phone competitor 0.33   Two other satellite phone service competitors, Iridium LLC and ICO Global Communications, failed last year.
  rodeo competitor 0.33   And more and more rodeo competitors are joining them in Stephenville.
  time competitor 0.33   Analysts at the time predicted competitors would follow suit, but that has not happened.
  athletics competitor 0.26   Sotomayor and his fellow athletics competitors appeared to rally the flag Friday night.
  judo competitor 0.26   A Cuban judo competitor received only a reprimand after testing positive for a banned diuretic.
  retail competitor 0.26   It has struggled to keep up with discount retail competitors Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Target Corp.
  satellite competitor 0.26   Two other satellite phone service competitors, Iridium LLC and ICO Global Communications, failed last year.
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