company compete 19.88   Companies compete to be big, too.
  team compete 9.55   The team is competing.
  player compete 6.58   No Canadian players were competing.
  athlete compete 5.27   But let athletes compete.
  woman compete 5.13   The women competed first.
  bank compete 3.49   Banks compete with bonds as both pay steady dividends.
  firm compete 2.70   Valley firms compete fiercely for employees.
  candidate compete 2.63   In all, eight candidates were competing.
  group compete 1.84   Other groups then compete to raise theirs.
  party compete 1.84   Three smaller parties also competed.
  country compete 1.71   About a dozen countries compete regularly in World Cup.
  two compete 1.65   The two will compete in a run-off Sunday.
  airline compete 1.58   UK airlines compete in Europe without subsidy.
  man compete 1.58   Only men could compete.
  nation compete 1.32   When nations compete, we root for our own.
  city compete 1.25   Cities would compete for the new technology centers.
  people compete 1.25   Should make people compete for th whatever they want.
  industry compete 1.18   The UK clothing industry cannot compete with foreign imports on price.
  student compete 1.18   Students compete to count his grammatical mistakes.
  product compete 1.12   Their products must compete in the marketplace.
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