direct comparison 4.21   This enables a direct comparison.
  inevitable comparison 3.16   There are inevitable comparisons.
  international comparison 2.17   It should be possible to draw international comparisons.
  historical comparison 1.18   The drop has provoked a profusion of historical comparisons.
  unflattering comparison 1.12   The writer made an unflattering comparison.
  constant comparison 1.05   The constant comparisons to Hinch were inevitable.
  apt comparison 0.92   It is an apt comparison.
  statistical comparison 0.92   The statistical comparisons the Mariners can stand.
  such comparison 0.86   But manufacturers say such a comparison is flawed.
  better comparison 0.79   Blake had a better comparison.
  obvious comparison 0.79   The obvious comparisons end there.
  unfavorable comparison 0.79   Unfavorable comparisons are old hat to him by now.
  valid comparison 0.79   There is no valid comparison with drugs.
  easy comparison 0.72   It is an easy comparison.
  unfair comparison 0.72   An unfair comparison, really.
  fair comparison 0.66   Fair comparison?
  detailed comparison 0.59   We need a more detailed comparison of the available options.
  best comparison 0.53   The best comparisons are in audio.
  good comparison 0.53   But there is no good comparison.
  head-to-head comparison 0.53   Here is a head-to-head comparison of the two, as consultants might see them.
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