researcher compare 3.88   Researchers then compared the effects.
  study compare 3.62   She says the study compares apples with oranges.
  people compare 1.97   And yet people are always comparing them.
  official compare 1.51   NASCAR officials compared that data to the new Monte Carlo.
  consumer compare 1.05   As a result, the plans are difficult for many consumers to compare.
  critic compare 1.05   Critics very often compare him to Jascha Heifetz.
  rate compare 1.05   Dollar rates compared with late Friday.
  student compare 1.05   Some students have compared the program to medical school.
  doctor compare 0.92   The doctors compared those patients with people treated the previous year.
  investor compare 0.92   How can investors compare apples with oranges with a blend of both?
  pale compare 0.92   That performance pales compared with one of randomly selected small stocks.
  newspaper compare 0.86   Many newspapers compared the election to an earthquake.
  scientist compare 0.86   Scientists compare the set point to a thermostat.
  year compare 0.86   So, the obvious query was, how does this year compare with last?
  user compare 0.79   Other outraged users compared the scan to unnecessary surgery.
  expert compare 0.72   Nicotine is so addictive that some experts compare it to heroin.
  report compare 0.72   The report compares home computers currently available in stores.
  look compare 0.66   Arkansas Best shares look relatively cheap compared with its rivals.
  analyst compare 0.59   Several analysts compared Banharn favorably with Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai, who has been criticized as indecisive.
  customer compare 0.59   That way, customers can easily compare the yield of one bank against another.
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