former communist 28.64   Both parties comprise many former communists.
  east_german communist 2.96   Only the former East German communists voted against the plan.
  reformed communist 2.57   Like Oleksy, he is also a reformed communist.
  chinese communist 1.38   The Chinese communists are coming!
  ruling communist 0.92   For the ruling former communists, liberalising the laws is an electoral promise that must be kept.
  indian communist 0.86   The proposal has faced strong criticism from Indian communists and Hindu nationalists.
  russian communist 0.86   So who are Zyuganov and the new Russian communists?
  hardline communist 0.79   The hardline communists are not part of the Olive Tree but have pledged support.
  radical communist 0.53   Other hard-line groups, including radical communists and neo-fascists, joined the rallies.
  suspected communist 0.53   They also chased after suspected communists.
  hard-line communist 0.46   Milosevic, on the other hand, is a hard-line communist in the Ceausescu mold.
  local communist 0.46   Landlords formed the army to fight low-caste people, who are backed by local communists.
  old communist 0.46   Old communists are back in politics.
  renamed communist 0.46   Socialist Party of renamed communists.
  top communist 0.39   Most former top communists have switched to business, quitting their political positions.
  young communist 0.39   This is because they already knew that the young communists in the party opposed such participation.
  czech communist 0.33   The agreement has been criticized by a powerful Sudeten lobby in Bavaria and by the Czech communists and far right.
  one-time communist 0.33   Maharaj, a one-time communist, is now a bank director.
  cambodian communist 0.26   But Garcia -- like the other Marines -- was unaware that the U.S. crewmen already had been released by the Cambodian communists.
  committed communist 0.26   Several players said they were committed communists.
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