electoral commission 39.96   Gonchar was named to run the electoral commission.
  special commission 26.20   Several special commissions are under way.
  joint commission 23.24   She referred such questions to the joint commission.
  independent commission 21.40   The plan requires approval by an independent commission.
  international commission 16.92   An international commission would verify IRA compliance.
  parliamentary commission 15.08   A report was made by a special parliamentary commission.
  state commission 12.51   The state commission ordered the purse withheld.
  new commission 12.24   Members of the new commission have not been named.
  presidential commission 9.22   Of what value is a presidential commission?
  bipartisan commission 8.95   Clinton wants a bipartisan commission to resolve the problem.
  national commission 8.95   He wants a national commission to study the problem.
  military commission 8.49   A handful were tried by a military commission.
  medical commission 6.32   The IOC medical commission will rule in April, he said.
  congressional commission 5.66   A congressional commission is wrapping up its probe of Samper.
  federal commission 5.33   A federal base closing commission voted to close Savanna in June.
  full commission 4.87   He expects to address the full commission this week.
  judicial commission 4.74   A judicial commission set up by the government exonerated him.
  advisory commission 4.34   Gov. Weld created the special advisory commission in April.
  sales commission 3.55   The company also cited a drop in sales commissions.
  disciplinary commission 3.29   An FA disciplinary commission will hear the accusations.
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