hand-to-hand combat 6.78   Hand-to-hand combat.
  actual combat 1.97   Is it ready for actual combat?
  political combat 1.84   Such reticence will keep her out of political combat.
  heavy combat 1.71   Heavy combat almost led to a fourth all-out war between Pakistan and India.
  direct combat 1.65   US troops engaged in direct combat on the ground.
  close combat 1.51   We used them only for close combat.
  intense combat 1.32   It was not intense combat, Crager said.
  fierce combat 1.05   Scenes of fierce combat recur.
  mortal combat 0.92   It is how they view each other, locked in mortal combat.
  single combat 0.79   It was Melwas who suggested single combat.
  aerial combat 0.72   More aerial combat.
  unarmed combat 0.59   They were trained in the techniques of unarmed combat.
  air-to-air combat 0.53   It can perform either air-to-air combat or ground attack missions.
  open combat 0.53   He has engaged in open combat with Governor of the Bank of England Eddie George over monetary policy.
  renewed combat 0.53   The spokesman said Dudayev had claimed that his troops were preparing for renewed combat.
  urban combat 0.53   Senior Israeli army officers visited a Marine exercise in urban combat in Idaho.
  active combat 0.46   Few of the boys took part in active combat.
  first combat 0.46   His first combat was several weeks later during the invasion of Sicily.
  full-scale combat 0.46   But a feud over their backing of separate rebel factions escalated into full-scale combat on Saturday.
  verbal combat 0.46   He relishes macho verbal combat, flinging insults with gusto.
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