use collect 2.11   But the new device is not used to collect data.
  return collect 0.66   Some guests returned to collect belongings.
  set_up collect 0.59   The fund was set up to collect private donations.
  arrive collect 0.53   Subsequently, NATO troops arrived to collect weapons from the insurgents who agreed to disband.
  deploy collect 0.39   The clashes highlighted the potential problems awaiting NATO troops as they prepare to deploy to collect rebel arms.
  pause collect 0.39   He paused to collect his thoughts.
  rush collect 0.39   Workers rushed to collect the caskets, but several bodies already had fallen out.
  go collect 0.33   I felt so proud when my son went up to collect his medal.
  sell collect 0.33   Mixed action overseas reflected selling to collect profits.
  work collect 0.33   Silva also worked to collect evidence of torture and other human rights abuses.
  be collect 0.26   Also being collected were mobile phones.
  come collect 0.26   When it comes to rock collecting, C.C. Wang is something of a late bloomer.
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