plant closure 3.69   No layoffs or plant closures are planned.
  border closure 3.62   Israel eases border closure.
  security closure 3.62   Hundreds demonstrate against Israeli security closure.
  road closure 2.63   Others say that more road closures are a good idea.
  bank closure 1.65   Speculation also continued that there would be more bank closures.
  pit closure 1.38   He promised a moratorium on pit closures if Labour won.
  factory closure 1.32   Further factory closures have been announced.
  blanket closure 1.25   Israel imposed a blanket closure after the latest bombing.
  branch closure 1.05   Price said there would be staff cuts and branch closures.
  hospital closure 0.99   She knows from inside the sadness of a hospital closure.
  school closure 0.92   Effects of school closure on material existence of community.
  company closure 0.72   Company closures also jumped during the economically trying period.
  mine closure 0.53   To Morgan, the mine closure is just a relief.
  highway closure 0.46   On Thursday, traffic snarled for miles because of the highway closure while police searched for bombs.
  market closure 0.46   No market closures are planned.
  mill closure 0.46   The aluminum mill closure would more than double the hit on the tax base, he said.
  beach closure 0.39   Right now, there is no uniform set of scientific standards for beach closures.
  four-day closure 0.39   The four-day closure of the market was the longest since the Great Depression.
  four-month closure 0.33   Top army officials are recommending that Israel significantly ease a four-month closure of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
  airport closure 0.26   But the airport closure prevented that.
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