constitutional clause 2.17   But Nevisians insisted on a constitutional clause allowing them to break away.
  expert clause 1.97   In this book this clause is referred to as the expert clause.
  controversial clause 1.65   A controversial clause revokes a ban on media owners entering state tenders.
  such clause 1.65   France had advocated such a clause.
  new clause 1.25   There were a few new clauses.
  social clause 0.99   The most controversial one is the so-called social clause.
  offending clause 0.92   Abu Sharif said the offending clauses should be removed.
  out clause 0.92   But you can be sure there will be an out clause if he does reup.
  sunset clause 0.86   Luxury-tax threshold, sunset clause, NLRB decision.
  similar clause 0.66   The University of Colorado has adopted a similar clause.
  key clause 0.59   He has accused the Palestinians of violating key clauses of the accord.
  contingency clause 0.53   And the only thing more risky than that, he said, is to waive the contingency clause entirely.
  restrictive clause 0.46   But the vote approved by parliament also had some restrictive clauses.
  anti-israel clause 0.39   The Palestinians did renounce the anti-Israel clause.
  anti-israeli clause 0.39   But the Israeli government continues to insist on a formal cancellation of all anti-Israeli clauses in the charter.
  special clause 0.39   In September parliament will propose that a special clause should be added to Spanish law.
  behavior-related clause 0.33   There are no behavior-related clauses in the contract, athletic director Gerald Myers said.
  contractual clause 0.33   According to Johnson, those contractual clauses became a heavy point of debate between himself and Jones.
  disputed clause 0.33   Endesa of Spain will also probably eliminate the disputed clauses in the contract, the pension funds say.
  latter clause 0.33   The latter clause, it can be seen, is far more general in scope than the earlier clauses of the statute.
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