vocal chord 3.36   Spray his vocal chords?
  responsive chord 1.97   Boxer may have struck a responsive chord.
  deep chord 1.05   Eating at Eucalyptus strikes a deep chord.
  emotional chord 0.92   The director, Rene Buch, modulates the emotional chord changes beautifully.
  right chord 0.86   Somehow, that happened to hit the right chord.
  opening chord 0.66   I distinctly heard the triumphal opening chords of Also sprach Zarathustra in my mind.
  sensitive chord 0.66   The book touches a highly sensitive chord.
  strong chord 0.66   She plays four strong chords.
  major chord 0.59   These days, the major chords are dominant.
  same chord 0.59   The sheriff, Larry L. Colley, struck the same chord.
  spinal chord 0.59   Meningitis attacks the spinal chord and causes an inflammation in the brain.
  final chord 0.53   The phrase ends on a final ambiguous chord - B, E, B.
  minor chord 0.53   I could hear the minor chords.
  familiar chord 0.46   Does the name Rich Garcia strike a familiar chord?
  similar chord 0.46   Charles struck a similar chord in London.
  common chord 0.39   Candidates across the nation, of course, are still striking certain common chords.
  dissonant chord 0.39   You leave either refreshed or desperate to strike a dissonant chord.
  piano chord 0.39   The work opens in a fit, with a grumpy, skittish cello line and some crash-bang piano chords.
  different chord 0.33   In Mexico, immigration strikes a very different chord.
  first chord 0.33   From the first crashing bass chord, Cliburn staked his claim.
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