have charm 6.71   But Arcata has charms.
  lose charm 1.91   But the game had lost its charm.
  use charm 0.86   Wave your arms, use your charm.
  work charm 0.86   At the trial itself, Oprah also worked her charm.
  add charm 0.72   The new curtains add charm to the room.
  retain charm 0.72   The show retains considerable charm.
  exude charm 0.59   On a personal level, Naaz exuded natural charm.
  ooze charm 0.59   The Elizabethan house oozes charm.
  bring charm 0.53   Sir Mix-a-Lot brings some charm to the table.
  offer charm 0.39   Maxim does at least offer the charm of no pretense.
  prove charm 0.33   The fifth time proved a charm.
  resist charm 0.33   How can they resist such charm?
  turn charm 0.33   He turned his charm on them, and it may have worked.
  find charm 0.26   Whoever finds the charm is king or queen for the day.
  give charm 0.26   The officer said Tuan was known for giving charms to people.
  lack charm 0.26   A lot of new buildings lack charm.
  like charm 0.26   Works like a charm.
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