play character 10.20   I just play characters.
  have character 9.15   It has character.
  create character 7.70   He creates these characters.
  develop character 4.15   A talented team that has developed character.
  change character 3.95   And the actors will change characters on stage.
  build character 3.82   It builds character.
  show character 3.82   Does that show character?
  feature character 3.62   It is drama featuring fictional characters.
  use character 3.29   They no longer can use good character as an asset.
  draw character 2.63   Your characters are richly drawn.
  portray character 2.63   I want to portray characters that grow.
  know character 2.57   He knows my character.
  define character 2.44   His characters are defined by failure.
  introduce character 2.44   He introduced Mormon characters.
  add character 2.17   They add character to a place.
  bring character 2.11   Both bring their characters to life on Sundays.
  base character 1.97   All year long, we based our character on being a team.
  see character 1.78   I see the characters that Don created.
  write character 1.78   How many characters are written like Mann?
  give character 1.58   It gave me character.
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